Discosloth Google Ads Management


“…particularly adept at taking a big complex situation and bringing it clarity with data and simple concepts. In particular, Anya took over our Google PPC campaign which had been managed by a high-priced firm and was able to substantially improve the performance and keep it performing to this day.”

“Not sure what made you so good at what you guys do…but thanks! The results are what I have been striving for for the past 3 years. Amazing what you have done in a month’s time. I am seeing first page Google for the search terms I have been working on for 3 years. And some even have multiple URLs on first page. Impressive.”

“Discosloth has been working for me over a year now and it has been an absolute pleasure. They have been 100% professional and given me excellent results. No one will be disappointed having Anya and Gil working for them, great results, great communication and an overall brilliant experience.”

Yes, literally. Our co-founders published Becoming A Digital Marketer,The Beginner’s Guide To Google Ads, and Building A Successful Micro-Agency. These books are used in dozens of university courses, been translated into foreign languages, sold thousands of copies, and are Amazon bestsellers.

Are your paid search campaigns on Google, Microsoft, or Amazon Ads a net negative? That’s a crying shame.

Discosloth simplifies, improves, & increases your PPC advertising results. Pay-per-click is all we do, so we’re worth every penny. Let’s turn those wasted ad dollars into a positive ROI.