Google Ad Grant Management

Our team members have years of experience working as a marketing consultant, media producer, and photojournalist for some of the world’s largest nonprofits. Gil has visited 50+ countries: touring Liberian Ebola units with Doctors Without Borders, producing videos for Heifer International, and launching fundraising campaigns for Samaritan’s Purse. Anya has visited over 30 countries, and has run countless Google Ad Grant campaigns promoting various NGOs and non-profit organizations.

Yes, literally. Our co-founders published Becoming A Digital Marketer,The Beginner’s Guide To Google Ads, and Building A Successful Micro-Agency. These books are used in dozens of university courses, been translated into foreign languages, sold over 10,000 copies, and are Amazon bestsellers!

    Google Ad Grant campaigns provides organizations up to $10,000 per month in ad spend. Google places a range of restrictions upon these campaigns (including caps on CPC, quality score requirements, and targeting limitations) so it is critical to make the most of this budget while staying within Google Ad Grant requirements. Discosloth improves Ad Grant campaign success. Paid digital advertising is all we do!